Architectural Details: For Every Type of Building

2015年12月12日 / 近代书籍 /

This present volume is intended to supplement our well-known collection of building details, entitled “Radford’s Portfolio of Details of. Building Construction, which was first issued in 1912 and has since run thru many editions.

All of the plates in the present series are new not duplicating at all the earlier work. They present many of the modern ideas, that have come to the front during the past ten years.

This collection of details is offered with the expectation and hope that it will be of great practical utility to carpenters, builders, mill men, lumber dealers, draftsmen and architects. The aim has been to make it a complete manual of modern building practice, all points being made clear and understandable by means of the working drawing – the language of the blue print and the universal language of the building trades.

This book is a collection of plates, accurately drawn by skilled draftsmen, showing clearly the details of modern building construction and finish. Brief explanatory text accompanies each plate, calling attention to some of the points illustrated. The drawings themselves, however, are of first importance and should be carefully studied. More helpful ideas and exact information are contained in a single one of these plates of details than could be crowded into a whole chapter of ordinary descriptive text.

Details are given showing the framing and construction of residences of every type – frame houses, brick houses, brick veneer houses, stucco houses, etc. Also every popular and attractive style of interior trim is fully detailed. Special ideas are presented for the appropriate interior finish for every room or part of the house. These ideas are worked out complete, the drawings showing both the arrangement of the room and all the interior trim, including built-in features, fully detailed.

This is the day of “built-in” space and labor-saving features in the home. Carpenters and builders are called on continually to plan and build buffets and sideboards for the dining room; kitchen cabinets, cases, and cupboards for the kitchen and pantry; wardrobes and linen closets for the chambers; and window seats, fireplaces with decorative mantels, and built-in bookcases for the living room and library. These drawings have been prepared to show exactly how this kind of work is done. Many practical ideas are embodied in them; and new and attractive designs are presented from which the carpenter, the architect, or the builder can draw for all or any of these.

Many valuable details are also included in this collection of special interest to the country carpenter and builder. These include barn framing details of all kinds, ice-house and cold storage construction, silo building, etc.

The practical utility of detail plates of this kind will probably be best appreciated by those who draw plans or who are called upon to make their own designs for building work. The drawings in this collection have been prepared to meet especially the needs of such workmen.

Especial attention is called to the Index. This has been made very complete, all the various features detailed on any of the plates being listed and cross-indexed so that they may be very quickly found, without the necessity of searching thru the entire work. Since all the plates are completely indexed for ready reference their full value is available for use by the busy man.