
2016年1月3日 / 当代书籍 / 0 条评论 /

Today, lifts and stairs as well as esca-lators form the core of a11 multi storey plans, sadly often hidden behind solid enclosures to form uninterestlng fire compartment zones. Modern technology using heat resistant glazmg releases the architect from boxed-in solutions. Visual connectlon IS once more feasible between vertical circulation and the spaces served. Pressure controlled envlr onments can exclude smoke without recourse to the complicatlon Of double lobbies. Research for this book amongst Older masterpieces in London Often revealed that double lobbies are thwarted by havmg one set of doors per manently wedged open or simply propped alar with a fire extinguisher Today It IS obligatory to provide access for the disabled , either by ramp or by stalrlifts or hoists. Outstanding developments such as the Lloyd’s Building, London , or the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank explore the new technologies and reveal that stair cases and their modern eqtllvalents can recapture the visual excitement that Piranesi (Figure 1 , 2 ) or Leonardo da Vinci awarded to stalrs within the Interlor volume of their designs. I hope that this new textbook will allow the reader to galn Alan , s Information in a condensed form but at the same time to be enthused by our pictures and sketches. I hope Alan approves Of my new version of his book.