The Garden as Architecture

2016年1月3日 / 当代书籍 / 1 条评论 /

The process that leads to the creator’s “interpretation,” or design solution, involves observrng and recreating a model, regulated by site conditions and the intended functlons of the space. Over time an endless variety of interpretatlons develop for a single prototype.
The prototype and corresponding Interpretations found in the relationship between gardens and architecture also evolved with tremendous variety. Throughout most of Japanese garden history, gardens were Intended p urely for contemplation, to be viewed from a fixed vantage Point seated at floor level inside an adjoining building. (The stroll garden, which the viewer physically enters and
moves through the space, is a relatively late development the art.) Accordingly, the relationship between the seated view and garden composition are integrally linked, and changed in accordance with changes the building’s attributes, function and site conditions through the ages. This relationship is unparalleled In the history of gardens of other countries and perhaps the most important char-acteristic in the evolution of Japanese garden forms.

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